Learn to sail a yacht

If you've ever fancied setting sail on a yacht but don't know where to start or have done a little sailing but want to know more then the Services are amazingly well placed to help you realise your ambitions. The Joint Service Adventurous Training (JSAT) Scheme recognises offshore sailing as an AT activity and therefore it fully funds accredited Royal Yachting Association (RYA) courses at several locations, all of which can bid for via the usual AT route, with approval from your chain of command.
If you're a serving soldier, your first points of call should be to visit the Joint Services Adventurous Sail Training Centre (JSASTC) website, which links to the course booking system. On the water training from the JSASTC covers all levels of training from RYA Competent Crew for novices, through to the YachtMaster (Offshore) assessment. In the classroom you can do the whole range of skipper theory courses as well as First Aid, Diesel Engine Maintenance, VHF/DSC radios, Sea Survival and Radar. Courses are free to Service personnel and are the best way to get you out on the water under expert tuition (and in work time!)
JSAT Course Booking Link [Defence Connect]
For those who are no longer serving, the Army Sailing Association is an accredited RYA school and members can either attend ASA courses or the REYC can run them under the ASA umbrella. These courses run whenever demand is there, although some fees will apply. You can find details of ASA courses linked here:
If you have other general enquires please e-mail: offshore@sappersailing.org
Last updated 12:22 on 2 April 2024