Brigadier Tony Rickets
Published 13:03 on 24 Oct 2023
For those members who have not seen it, the email below has been sent out by the Institution of Royal Engineers announcing the sad news of the death of Tony Rickets. Tony was a long standing and active member of REYC for many years.
"You may be aware that Brigadier Tony Rickets died recently. The following notice will appear in the next Supplement :
RICKETS - On 9 Oct 23. Brig (Retd) Reginald Anthony Scott (Tony). Aged 93. Passed away peacefully at home in Monogenean, Ayreshire. Predeceased by wife Liz, daughter Carol, and partner Pat. Sadly missed by son Tim, family and friends.
A cremation will be held at 14:30 on the 1 November 2023 at the Holmsford Bridge Crematorium, Dreghorn, Ayrshire, KA11 4EF. This will be followed by a 'Funeral Tea' or Wake from 16:00 at the Scottish Maritime Museum, Harbour Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 8QE.
Could anyone wishing to attend please inform the Institution on of 01634 822149, so that we can inform the family.
Sent on Behalf of InstRE"
Last updated 22:49 on 11 December 2023