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Home / News / Closure of REYC Chatham Branch
Home / News / Closure of REYC Chatham Branch

Closure of REYC Chatham Branch

Published 09:00 on 3 Apr 2023

Members will probably be aware that the Main Committee took the decision in May 2022 to close Chatham Branch, and the Trustees took the decision at the same time to divest the Medway moorings. These decisions were taken against a backdrop of strategic need for the Club and a firm belief that continuation of the Branch and its associated moorings is not consistent with our current or future needs. The decision was challenged in the months up to AGM 2022, at which point the Trustees undertook to re-consider the basis on which these two related decisions had been made, and to report back to members with the outcome of their second deliberation. Having done so, the Trustees and Main Committee have found nothing that changes their views, and therefore their original decisions stand.

Activity is now in hand to close the Branch and for REYC to divest the moorings. We have invited current Chatham Branchmembers to take on all the moorings and shore-side infrastructure on the Medway themselves at no cost (these are at negligible book value in our accounts which enables us to do this), and to run the moorings independently of REYC under the auspices of a new legal entity if they wish to. In order to re-build momentum we have set a timeframe of the end of 2023 to conclude transfer arrangements, close the Branch, and for the new entity to have taken on the moorings. Beyond that point, if the envisaged transfer has not been achieved, we will consider the Branch closed and offer the moorings infrastructure to other Medway clubs, endeavouring to ensure existing holders retain occupancy rights to the moorings, but not shore-side facilities, as part of that process.

All current Chatham Branch members will retain REYC membership in their existing categories if they wish, with membership arrangements and subscriptions handled directly with the Club, as is the case now for all other REYC members.

Col (Retd) R C Hendicott MBE
On behalf of REYC Trustees

Col JGJ Robinson
Commodore REYC
On behalf of Flag Officers and Main Committee

4 April 2023

Last updated 22:49 on 11 December 2023

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